Instructions For
Smart Phones and Tablets
To move around the scene, use the virtual joysticks.
When you tap on the joysticks area, they will appear.
The virtual joystick on the left makes you move forwards, backwards and sideways.
Virtual joystick on the right makes you look around
To interact with the scene, tap on the buttons that appear on the screen and select the options to change color, furniture and day / night.
Instructions For
Use the "W S A D" keys to move around.
W = walk forward
S = Walk backwards
A = Walk left
D = Walk right
Use the mouse to look around
When the interaction options appear at the bottom of your screen, press the letter "Q" to enable interaction and use the mouse pointer to interact with the buttons.
To resume movement, press "Q" again
When the interaction options appear at the top right of the screen, press the letter "E" to enable interaction and use the mouse pointer to interact with the buttons.
To resume movement, press "E" again
Click the speaker icon to unmute and the square icon to go full screen
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